What's Next for Ordinance Amendment to Allow Wawa on Newtown Bypass?... It's Complicated!
Recall from a previous post that on October 16, 2018, the Newtown Planning Commission sent back to the Board of Supervisors (BOS Definition) for revision the proposed OR zone ordinance Text Amendment Definition designed to allow a “modern, motor vehicle fueling center consisting of a convenience store with accessory motor vehicle fuel sales” (e.g., Wawa) on the Bypass (read "The Newtown Township Planning Commission Stymies Path Forward for Wawa - For Now").
Several residents wondered what the next steps are in the process and when will they be able to see the amended ordinance. I wondered as well and asked Dave Sander, the Township Solicitor Definition, to outline the steps at the October 24, 2018, BOS meeting. The short answer was "it's complicated."
The following video clip from the October 24, 2018, BOS meeting provides the definitive and a more detailed answer, which may or may not clarify things.
I jokingly suggested we needed a flow chart to visualize the steps. Of course, I went ahead and created my own flow chart! There may be some steps that I left out, such as the participation by the Wrightstown and Upper Makefiled Planning Commissions. We are currently (October 30, 2018) at step #3. As suggested by BOS members, the whole process can take many months, even years!

Red represents the stage where there will be a public hearing for residents to
comment on the amendment before a final vote is taken. As of the beginning of
November, 2018, we are at stage 3 waiting for changes, input from the attorneys.
Posted on 29 Oct 2018, 13:33 - Category: Ordinances
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