Summary of 24 April 2024 BOS Meeting
This is my personal summary of the April 24, 2024, meeting of the #NewtownPA Township Board of Supervisors (BOS). This is not a complete nor an official summary.
Access the 2024 BOS Chronicle for detailed summaries of all 2024 BOS meetings to date. Also, access the (UNOFFICIAL) 2024 BOS Voting Record.
Agenda Items, Discussions, Decisions, and More
- Historical Architectural Review Board
- Reports of Committees, Boards and Commissions
- Planning Commission
- Public Hearing
- Reports of Officials
- Engineer’s Report
- New Business
- Other Items of Interest
HARB, Minor Approval: Amma’s Southern Indian Cuisine Signage
As reported by William Mahler, “At its April 10, 2024 meeting, the Historical Architectural Review Board [HARB] voted to recommend that the Board of Supervisors grant a Certificate of Appropriateness to Amma’s South Indian Cuisine for signage, in the same locations and sizes as the prior tenant, Zoe’s Kitchen. The channel lettering will be white on a Matte Black background. The existing gooseneck lamps will remain as the signs’ only lighting.”
The BOS approved this COA by 5-0 vote.
HARB, Comments: Deterioration of North Sycamore Street Properties

Also reported by William Mahler, “In other business the members discussed the deterioration of a few properties on North Sycamore Street and the need for a method of enforcement of what has become “demolition by neglect.” It was also noted that while the Joint Zoning Council has often recommended that demolition permits be denied, our building inspector has no mechanism to enforce these either, as the permit applications bypass the Board of Supervisors.”
Planning Commission: JMZO Amendments
Numbers section corrections and Maximum Impervious Surface Corrections: These amendments had been reviewed at previous meetings. The Commission voted that the Supervisors vote to adopt the amendments.
Billboard Ordinance: Action on this amendment is tabled until we have a report from our Planner on the appropriate districts where billboards could be permitted and a report from Upper Makefield on its position on billboards. For more information, see:
Wireless Ordinance and Wireless Design Manual: We are awaiting comment from the expert counsel Cohen Law Firm on some changes suggested by Wrightstown Township before action is taken. For more information, see:
- “Attorney Joel Winston Answers Questions Regarding JZC Draft Wireless Communications Ordinance”
- “An Expert's Critique of the JMZO 5G Wireless Ordinance”
- “Andrew Campanelli Reviews JMZO Wireless 5G Ordinance”
Electric Charging Stations: The Commission voted to recommend that the Board of Supervisors adopt this amendment. For more information, see:
- Bucks County, Middletown, Embrace Electric Vehicle Charging Stations. But Not All Types Are Acceptable Yet in Newtown Jointure
Planning Commission: Demolition By Neglect
Peggy Driscoll, Chair of the Planning Commission, expressed surprise that a potential historic structure - the Twining farmhouse - was demolished without input or approval by the Joint Historic Commission and the supervisors.
The farmhouse was located on property owned by Toll Brothers, which plans to build a housing development at that location at the intersection of Twining Bridge Rd and Durham Rd.
I informed Ms. Driscoll that the demolition was sanctioned by the BOS within the settlement agreement that allowed Toll to development the property. Specifically, the settlement agreement specified that “Prior to offering the Township dedication of the Open Space Parcel, the Developer shall demolish the existing house on the Open Space Parcel, remove it from the Property, and grade the Property to the satisfaction of the Township Engineer.”
See the video clip below to hear the discussion:
- For more details, read "A “Major” Historic Resource Re-Discovered!"
Public Hearing: Piccolo Trattoria Application for Transfer of Restaurant Liquor License

FF Elabed Inc. [Newtown Piccolo Trattoria Restaurant] requested approval for the proposed transfer of Pennsylvania Restaurant Liquor License No. R- 19424, formerly located in Falls Township, Bucks County, to a restaurant facility within Newtown Township located at 32 West Road, Newtown, Pennsylvania 18940, with the understanding that said transfer must be approved at a later date by the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board.
As reported in the Newtown Patch: “As part of the expansion, the eatery is constructing an 80-seat covered outdoor dining area at the far western end of the shopping center. A knee-high wall will surround the patio area to protect diners from the parking area and access road.
The applicant also intends to apply for an Amusement Permit and proposes to present “SMALL BANDS” and “DJ AT CATERED EVENTS” at the proposed Licensed establishment.
“The supervisors made their approval of the license transfer contingent upon the restaurant not allowing music of any type to be player via loudspeakers on its outdoor patio.
“‘At other restaurants, we have prohibited outdoor speakers, basically including Starbucks, Iron Hill, and Ardana. All of those have complied with not having outdoor speakers,’ said Supervisor John Mack. Supervisor Chairman Dennis Fisher said he wouldn't have a problem with live music inside being audible on the patio, but he'd be against any kind of speakers on the patio.”
Engineer's Report: Business Commons Sidewalk
NOTE: This item was note on the official agenda. I made an inquiry after seeing over $13,000 in invoices associated with this project but not seeing any work started.
Some Background
In March 2023, the township was awarded $534K in state funds to construct ADA curb ramps and improve its current stormwater management system throughout the business commons area (read more about this...). This will be done in conjunction with an ongoing sidewalk project, ultimately improving pedestrian safety and the walkability of the business commons.”
My Question: What’s happening with this project?
Answer: The charges are for the design of the concept plans and subsequent revisions. At the BOS meeting I learned that this project has not yet gone out for bid. Consequently, it may be a long time before we see any new sidewalks in the Business Commons.
Engineer's Report: Newtown-Yardley Rd/Tara Blvd Crosswalk Improvements
NOTE: This item was note on the official agenda. Supervisors received an inquiry from a Newtown Walk resident prior to the meeting.
Some Background
Read: “#NewtownPA Township To Get More Than $300,000 For Pedestrian Safety”
Resident Request: “I would like a comprehensive update from the Township Engineer (RVE) on the status of their revised plan for the permit for this project.”
Response from Dominic Cundari – the Township Engineer – via email: “We do in fact have an update from PennDOT as of the end of last week. Our Traffic Engineer spoke with Pat McCourt from District 6 regarding the Newtown-Yardley/Tara crosswalk. The position from PennDOT is that they still have concerns with the safety of the crosswalk as proposed and they would still like to see the median refuge island with an additional push-button on the median. At this specific location, they believe this is the safest option. To offset the increased costs of installing the refuge island, they are recommending installing three (3) pedestals to be utilized (one on each side and one in the median) in lieu of the mast arm. We could start looking at an estimate for this added work to get an idea of what the additional cost will be.”
New Business: Washington Crossing Bridge Discussion
The Upper Makefieild resolution opposing the project was submitted as a model/starting point for the discussion. See pages 45-47 of the 2024 Newtown BOS Chronicle for a summary of points made by UM in its resolution opposing plans to replace the bridge.
My Opinion
There definitely should be a new bridge; the current bridge should be preserved for pedestrian and cyclists’ use; an Environmental Impact Study/Statement should be done; there should be better communications with the community and UM should be consulted during the process.
The consensus of the Supervisors (not ALL) was to have Mr. Lewis write a letter of “support” to the Upper Makefield Board of Supervisors. I suggested that we stop short of agreeing that no new bridge be built.
My Detailed Notes
The following notes were prepared prior to the meeting. View the notes embedded below or download the pdf document.
Official Video
Download the unedited time-stamped transcript of this meeting prepared by Youtube from the video: download PDF document.
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